'Another Day in the life vlog for the month of August. It\'s hard juggling blog life/ social life and being a mother all in one day but I survived! For more details on the Fashion Show click my blog below :) http://www.taylorfamilyvlogs.com/ninofranco-mindanao-pride-feature-friday/ Hope you enjoy watching this video! Don\'t forget to Subscribe to channel if you haven\'t yet. CONNECT WITH ME Accounts
Tags: fashion , family , Trending video , sexy , life , fashion show , canada , kylie , philippines , Day in the Life , kendall , 2018 , Filipino , mom , of , canadian , blog , viral video , ITSJUDYLIFE , mommy , new video , emergency , mom life , August , momlife , mommy life , mommy vlogger , Davao City , davao , thebucketlistfamily , hot day , hot mom , filipino family , blogger mom , taylor family , canadian family , davao treasures , fashion davao , ninofranco , wilson limon , mom in davao , vlogger mom
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